Galeocerdo cuvier文獻6筆
Schwartz, F.J., 1994, Body-Organ Weight Relationships of Near-Term and Newborn Tiger Sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier, Captured off North Carolina., The J. of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society.
Compagno, L.J.V., 1984, FAO species catalogue Vol. 4 - Sharks of the World Part 1. Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Compagno, L.J.V., 1984, FAO species catalogue Vol. 4 - Sharks of the World Part 2. Carcharhiniformes., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed., 1993, 臺灣魚類誌 Fishes of Taiwan, 國立臺灣大學動物學系印行
朱元鼎, 孟慶聞 等編, 2001, 中國動物誌: 圓口綱, 軟骨魚綱, 北京: 科學出版社
Ebbesson S.O.E.; Ramsey J.S., 1967, The Optic Tracts of Two Species of Sharks ([Galeocerdo cuvier] and [Ginglmostoma cirratum])., Brain Research.